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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School


A very warm welcome to The Lampard Community School through our school website! We are a local authority maintained special school in Barnstaple, North Devon. We are very proud of everything that we achieve here, using our expertise and passion to support our students to have the most successful lives and to live as valued members of society.

Our Mission Statement:

We are a positive learning community built on the relationships we make. Our bespoke  Curriculum aims to promote independence, communication and emotional wellbeing. We are committed to providing our students with the best education based on these curriculum drivers to equip them to go on to live active and fulfilled lives as adults in the modern world. We want our students to realise their aspirations and make positive steps towards developing the skills needed for future employment.

We have recently developed a Farm School on site, to enhance our Outdoor Learning curriculum. You can find out more about this by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy exploring our website!

Jennie Harvey,

Head Teacher

Latest News

  • Celebrating Founder’s Day at Scouts! πŸŽ‰

  • πŸš€ Last Week at Scouts: Discovering Levers and Pulleys! πŸ•οΈ

  • 🎨 Future Friday Fun in Lyn Class! 🌟

  • πŸ•οΈ Scouts Showcase Their Knots Skills! πŸͺ’

Letters Home

Despite our best efforts, we all know that children don't always give the letters that we send home! It is a problem for all schools and parents!

Student Blogs

  • Special Partnership Trust Consultation Information