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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Lower School

At an early age you will begin to explore the world of work through your PSHE lessons and project weeks. You will start to develop your awareness of your own personal skills and qualities through a range of curriculum activities and personal programmes. You will be encouraged to think about what the future might look like.

By the end of Lower School, you will have:

  • Been introduced to the world of work through your PSHE curriculum.
  • Taken part in at least two enterprise projects.
  • Had opportunities to meet people who have different jobs.
  • Taken part in career related activities.

By the end of Lower School, you will be able to:

  • Identify some of your personal qualities and skills
  • Know which subjects you like at school.
  • Recognise people have different jobs.


Careers Activities in Lower School 2021/2022



Gatsby Benchmark

Project Week Autumn Term

Project week: Enterprise- Christmas Market



Author visits from Appledore Book Festival to deliver writing workshops

5, 6

Autumn I

PSHE: Who I am



Future Fridays


November 1st

The Finn Collinson Band Performance in School with Q and A

4, 5


Plastic Free North Devon session in school with Q and A

4, 5

November 22nd

Theatre Alibi Visit- Stand Up and Boogie Performance with Q and A

4, 5

Spring Term 1

PSHE: Respecting differences


Project Week Spring Term

Project week: TBC


7th – 12th March

National Careers Week Activities

2, 4, 5,

11th March

Careers Assembly for National Careers Week

2, 4, 5

Project Week Summer Term

Project week: TBC

2, 3


World of Work Day

4, 5, 6


Project week: Enterprise and Charity

2, 3, 4

July 20th 2022

Futures Event: Post 16 Pathways event for students and parents

2, 3, 7