School Lunches
Our school meals are cooked on the premises by our catering team. The Food Standards Agency have awarded our school kitchen a rating of 5.
Dinner money is paid in advance weekly or termly unless you are entitled to free school meals (please see below). Lunches can be paid by cash, cheque or via ParentPay (online payment service for schools and families). For more information or ParentPay account activation details please contact the school office.
Free school meals are available for pupils of parents/carers in receipt of income support or income-based jobseeker’s allowance. Application forms can be obtained from the school office or Devon County Council Citizen Portal. You can also contact the Education Helpline 0345 155 1019 or email to request a hard copy of the application form. Our School Business Manager is available to assist should you need help with the forms.
If you prefer, students may bring a packed lunch. For information and/or ideas for a healthy packed lunch please go to:
SchoolFood Trust
BBC News healthy lunchbox
Please view our current menu below.