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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

School Blog

Here you can find out about some of the exciting things that happen at Lampard!

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  • 27/05/22

    Middle School Jubilee Celebrations 2022

    Middle School Jubilee Celebrations 2022
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  • 28/02/22

    Our new Outdoor Learning Classroom is built!

    The storms during half term did not halt the exciting work going on in our Forest School area!
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  • 31/01/22

    We are really enjoying our 'Future Fridays'!!!

    All our students take part in 'Future Fridays' - an exciting new initiative where they develop their Life Skills through a range of activities within the Preparation for Adulthood framework. They have been having fantastic fun doing this, whilst gaining a greater understanding of opport...
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  • 21/01/22

    Barle's Assembly about Martin Luther King, Jr

    Barle class linked their assembly to their RE learning this week - 'People who have shown forgiveness, and fought for freedom'.
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  • 14/01/22

    Handa's surprise in Umber class

    Callum has worked especially hard in English this week -just have a look!
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  • 12/01/22

    Upper School Environmental Studies - litter pick!

    Rock Park got quite a bit cleaner today!
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  • 16/12/21

    Upper School Christmas Fayre 2021

    Upper School took their Fayre outside this year!
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  • 16/12/21

    Middle School Christmas Fayre 2021

    Look at our Christmas crafts!
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  • 16/12/21

    Lower School Christmas Fayre 2021

    Look what we've been making!
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  • 15/12/21

    Christmas Hampers for every student

    We are delighted to be able to send home a Christmas hamper full of food to every Lampard student this year!
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  • 10/12/21


    Lower School students have had fun finding out about Christingles this week!
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