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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

School Blog

Here you can find out about some of the exciting things that happen at Lampard!

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  • 07/12/21

    History Club - a student's view

    What is History Club like?
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  • 26/11/21

    New fruit trees for our playground

    The Rotary Club of Barnstaple came and helped us plant fruit trees!
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  • 19/11/21

    Children in Need 2021

    We celebrated Children in Need day in style!
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  • 14/11/21

    Anti-Bullying Week

    Here at Lampard we will be focusing on ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ from 15th to 19th November 2021. The theme is ‘One Kind Word’ and during the week we will be having assemblies and class activities on the theme of kindness.
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  • 08/11/21

    The Finn Collinson Band

    What a start to the new half term!
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  • 01/10/21

    Harvest Festival 2021

    A time to celebrate and be thankful for everything we have.
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