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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Latest News

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  • 08/12/23

    Christmas Jumper Day 2023

    On Thursday 7th December 2023 we wore our Christmas jumpers to raise some money for Save the Children UK
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  • 08/12/23

    Evidence for Learning: how to upload photo or video evidence

    As you are now aware, we use Evidence For Learning in school.
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  • 07/12/23


    Mrs Altham from Deer Class very kindly donated a new Garden Box to the Outdoor Area.
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  • 07/12/23

    Christmas Hamper Raffle

    Our wonderful Friends Of Lampard PTFA have organised 2 amazing food and games hampers to be won!
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  • 06/12/23

    Exeter Cathedral

    On Friday 1st December Mrs Baker and Lewis went to Exeter Cathedral to take part in a very special recording by Spotlight News to celebrate the trip to Abbey Road Studios in London.
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  • 29/11/23


    We have been very lucky to be donated some new chickens for the school from one of our former students’ families, which is great.
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  • 22/11/23

    Pool Table Donation

    We'd like to say a HUGE thank you to The Horse and Groom- Barnstaple for donating us a full sized pool table this week. What a great act of community kindness.
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  • 20/11/23

    Lampards' very own Chocolatier!

    In the first half term of this academic year, middle school studied the topic chocolate. Everyone really enjoyed it but one of our students went even further.
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  • 15/11/23

    Dart Class visit Petroc

    On Tuesday Dart class visited the cafe at Petroc Official as part of our transition work.
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  • 15/11/23

    Sciencedipity Visit

    On Friday 10th November, Lampard celebrated "World Science Day" with a visit from a professional scientist and immuno-biologist called Ruth.
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  • 14/11/23

    Invacuation Drill

    Today all students watched this video, as part of our whole school preparation for an Invacuation drill next week. This drill is our planned response should there be a major incident in the area or on the school site. It is an important part of keeping students safe, just like our Fire Evacuation dr...
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  • 13/11/23

    WoW Visitor

    Rupert came in to talk to Upper School students about his line of work: videography.
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