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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Special Partnership Trust - Consultation

Consultation to join a Multi-Academy Trust

With the changing landscape in education and the Government’s intention that all schools will be part of a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) by 2030, the Governors and Headteacher have been researching differing models of collaboration and MATs. 

The Governors’ priority is to enable our school to continue to provide an excellent education for our pupils, whilst protecting our school’s ethos and identity, and retaining its individual qualities and strengths.  

Working together with other similar schools in a MAT offers many benefits for our pupils, the school and the wider community. To retain our school’s identity and its capacity to sustain future improvements, the Governors now feel it is vital for us to work together in partnership with a like-minded group of special schools. 

After much consideration and understanding on what joining a MAT could mean for the school, the Governors and Headteacher have approached the Special Partnership Trust (SPT). 

SPT is an equitable partnership of schools and specialist provision, with schools in Devon and Cornwall. SPT are ambitious for excellence in learning and support, constantly seeking to improve the offer to young people and their families through collaboration, challenge and cooperation across the partnership. 

We feel that the ethos and vision of SPT closely aligns with that of Lampard Community School. The Governors have concluded that joining SPT may now be in the best interests of the school, its pupils and the local community.

A due diligence process will be underway shortly, and we will keep all stakeholders informed of next steps.

If, having read this, you have any questions regarding the academisation process, you are welcome to email them to our Clerk for Governors:


Photo: Special Partnership Trust Visit to Lampard Community School in October 2024.
Left  to Right - Guy Chappell (SPT CEO), Ben Mitchell (Governor), Jennie Harvey (LCS Head Teacher) and Ruth Zimmerman (SPT SEND Director)


What is The Special Partnership Trust? 

Please follow this link to find out more about the Special Partnership Trust...


The Governing Body’s primary function is to ensure that Lampard Community School delivers the best possible education for its pupils and their families. The Governors also take very seriously their responsibility to serve the local community. After much thought and discussion, Governors now believe joining a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) may offer a number of significant benefits which could support the schools drive for continuous improvement. 

 These include: 

    • Working as part of the MAT will provide more opportunity to innovate and provide higher levels of teaching. 
    • A MAT can provide additional support that the school needs to thrive as well as more power when it comes to negotiating services and getting better value. 
    • Joining a MAT of special schools will help with raising standards across the board. In other words, poorer performing academies will benefit from being closely associated and working with better performing ones. 
    • With the backing of a MAT, it is thought there will be more opportunities for teachers to progress in their careers. MATs will also be able to attract top talent more easily than a school operating on their own because of reputational bias.