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The Lampard Community School

The Lampard Community School

Parents & Carers

Welcome to the parents and carers section of the Lampard website

At Lampard School, parents and carers are seen as a vital part of the team supporting each child in their education and working towards the goals that are set up for each individual student. The student is at the centre of everything the school does and the student and their family/carer are encouraged to take an active part in planning the student’s goals, both academic and personal, and also in celebrating achievements.

The parent governors work with the other governors, to support the school in its drive to continue to improve provision and raise standards. The governing body is fully committed to the school and the development of the SEN provision in North Devon.

To ensure that communication works there is a home/school book that the students are encouraged to bring with them every day – parents and staff can use this to send quick notes or messages. It is also possible to speak directly with the class teacher or teaching assistant on the phone at the end of the day.

The school has parents' evenings during the year when parents can discuss their child’s progress with their tutor, Annual Review meetings and events which celebrate student achievements and special performances.

Staff and families work together to help the student become as independent as possible, in their daily school life, on day visits and residential trips, and in one of the many after-school clubs and holiday activities the school arranges. Siblings are sometimes able to join in with the holiday activities which run during the summer holidays.

“Friends of Lampard” is group of parents who support the school. They have worked very hard to help us fundraise for a variety of enrichment items and are keen to organise social events for parents and families.

Please see the Friends of Lampard section of the website for more information.

We welcome all parents who would like to get involved and look forward to meeting you at their events.

If any parent wishes to have a paper copy of the information on the school website, please let the Senior Administrator know and we will provide a copy free of charge.

Parent Governor