Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) is an important part of every child's education regardless of their religious views or beliefs. We cover this aspect of education throughout the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Students are able to choose to attend a wide range of enrichment activities through the year including: lunchtime clubs, Friday afternoon Enrichment Activities, residentials and local community events (concerts, local traditional events such as Barnstaple Fair, Children’s Remembrance Day), meeting local MPs, local and county councillors.
It is about British Values, being a good citizen, recognising our rights and our responsibilities, understanding and respecting other people who may have different views or ways of living. Examples of this are:
- Each year the students choose which charities they would like to support and, whenever possible we organise visits or speakers to help them understand the charity's work.
- The School Council learns how to work in a democracy and how to vote, they also learn how to represent their class when they go to meetings.
- Assemblies cover a wide range of topics and students lead the vast majority of assemblies. All the assemblies have a SMSC element and also celebrate learning and success of the students and staff.