Admission Arrangements
Admission Arrangements
All admissions to Lampard Community School are managed by Devon County Council's SEND Statutory Team. To be considered for a place, children must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Usually, Communication and Interaction is stated as the primary need on this plan.
In the first instance, parents/carers should discuss their child’s needs with the class teacher and SENCo at the current school. You can also telephone Devon County Council for guidance.
If it is agreed that the current (or next) school cannot meet your child's needs, your caseworker at the local authority will be involved in determining which school might be best. A consultation process will be set in motion, where your child's EHCP and relevant professional reports (SALT, EP, OT etc.) are sent to any other potential educational setting. Schools then have 15 days to respond to the local authority stating if they feel their school is, or is not, suitable to meet a child's needs.
Decisions are communicated to you via your caseworker, never directly by the school, as schools such as Lampard are oversubscribed (we say 'yes' to more children on consultation than can be placed). The local authority will determine which children are placed here.
We are happy to show prospective parents/carers around the school, ideally before Lampard is named as your school of choice. Please telephone the school office for an appointment.
Lampard Community School: 01271 345416
SEND Statutory Team at Devon County Council: 01392 380434 or 01392 383000
Devon County Council General Enquiries: 0345 155 1019